A change is afoot

Yesterday was a good day. From the outside looking in it was an ordinary day, just like any other. But it wasn’t. I felt different. I was active. I made healthy meals for brunch and dinner making sure I had vegetables. I chose soba noodles over fried eggs and bacon. Then I had more noodles for dinner with fried vegetables. Yes I like noodles.

I drank green tea throughout the day. And this is the weird part. I did not snack or have any desire to snack between or after meals. I drank tea instead. I had a bath and went to bed early. I planned my bullet journal, wrote and sketched. I exercised for twenty minutes while I read an Ebook. Gabrielle Union’s We’re Going To Need Some More Wine. Finished it. Well worth a read.

Depression was nowhere in sight. Not even on the horizon running towards me. No sign, nothing. It felt strange. It felt wonderful. I haven’t had a day like this in a long time. Everything clicked and I did normal things but it all felt, well, great. I even felt excited. I didn’t do anything special. I didn’t go anywhere. Yet, it was an extraordinary day. Today the feelings are still with me. Even DH remarked at the change.

What have I done differently? Nothing. That’s not true. It is an accumulation of daily morning pages written at anytime of day, treating myself with kind words like my new best friend, rather than the harsh words of the voice on the shoulder. I have been writing dreams mostly daily. By dreams, I mean wishes for the future, rather than the dreams when you sleep. And I am dreaming big. Letting go and writing things that dare to be written. It is freeing.

Daily rituals or routines that you enjoy or help with your day, your development, learning make the difference between disorder and order. Automatic actions make for less choices or decisions to be made. They have already been decided. There is less mental gymnastics to perform. You just do it.

I am my new project. I am determined to give my future self a healthier body, a more organised home, and a brighter future. I am looking at this with fun and enjoyment, not as a chore. If I mess up. So what. Tomorrow is a new day. I get up and try again.

My 2020 goal is the little goal. The goal where I build myself up and give myself a healthier lifestyle and build up stamina for the rest to come.

Best Decade Ever with Mel Robbins, if you follow along with the free course it really inspires you to dream. It’s not too late to join. Google it and discover for yourself.

Today is turning out like yesterday. Another extraordinary day.

Sober as. The turn of a bird’s head.

25 thoughts on “A change is afoot

  1. Great post! I have been having these type of days for a few months now since I’ve left behind things that weren’t serving me and started focusing on things that do serve me. Those simple little things you mention like eating right, journaling, getting enough sleep, reading, exercising, etc. add up to a life well lived and make room for better and better things to happen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Have you read Daily Rituals by Mason Currey? A lovely book on the habits or rituals of well known people. Very inspiring. Whether they’re a night owl, when they are creative,…
      Mel is such a straight shooter. She has been encouraging me on my dream quest for Best Decade Ever. I like her directness.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hey LT, how are you doing? This is so true => “Daily rituals or routines that you enjoy or help with your day, your development, learning make the difference between disorder and order.” I’ve been cranking up on mine. I saw Mel is doing a daily post now on YouTube to help everyone. Thinking of you and sending best wishes🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hi Dwight. Thanks for thinking of me. All is good. I haven’t felt like saying anything, that’s all. Will check out Mel on YT. Thanks. Be safe. 😁


  2. Thanks for the recommendations! I like Mel Robbins. Glad you’re investing in yourself. You’re right, it’s all how you look at it. Building enjoyable habits into your day makes such a difference in your outlook. Good for you!! Xx

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love love love this post. How great does it feel when you have a day or two like that. Today has been one of those days for me. I’m so glad you get days like it too.

    Let’s get organised, be our own projects and enjoy our simply wonderful days when they appear xxx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Another wonderful post! I look forward to them. We make so many choices each day. If we remember to make positive decisions, they add up and multiple. It’s a ripple effect. I’ve notice the changes in my life as well. Best wishes!

    Liked by 2 people

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