Rising Strong

Rising Strong by Brené Brown is such a good read. I am half way through and I know I should have read Daring Greatly before this but that’s the way the book requests came through, out of order.

Brené Brown is a researcher and delves into emotions such as shame and vulnerability. She focuses her life’s work in areas that most of us would rather not look at. She encourages us to face the uncomfortable and to give it language so we can better deal with our emotions and improve how we act, get up and do it all again.

I have watched many interviews of hers on YouTube, plus her TED Talk and I also read The Gift of Imperfection. As I read her books she narrates in my head. It’s an enjoyable experience. She has a Texan drawl and she tells it like it is. She asks tough questions and interviews countless people to draw conclusions and find answers as to how we think.

A question posed in the chapter I’m reading is:

“Do you think that people are doing the best they can?

What do you think?




I like to think of myself as hopeful and YES I do believe that people are doing the best they can. Even if the person in the car in front cuts me off, I don’t know what’s going through their mind. They may have just lost their job, they may have had terrible news, they may have run out of milk for their baby? I don’t know what is going through their minds or what is in their life. I may swear under my breathe but I leave it at that. At the time we make the best decision or choice as we are able. On the outside it may appear obviously a wrong choice but that is a judgement without all the facts. When we are strong we are able to make better decisions, when we are hurting or struggling we make the best decisions we can at the time.

Here’s to being hopeful.

7 thoughts on “Rising Strong

  1. I loved “The Gift of Imperfection “.
    I think of the mistakes I made, and realize I was doing things impulsively many times, but what I thought was right at the time.
    The key is, do we learn from those times?

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  2. Love Brené too, and love this, your last paragraph especially, and just what I was thinking yesterday when we encountered some anger out there in the world… yes I do think people are doing their best. The reason I know it, now that you mention it, is because I myself am doing a very, very imperfect job of things but yet, I am doing my best…

    Thanks for this, and good to know Rising Strong is such a good read. I haven’t read any of her books yet, must admit, but I too have seen lots of her talks/interviews on YouTube, and also loved her on Liz Gilbert’s Magic Lessons podcast.

    The stack of books to read is rising strong over here 😩😉🤪

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    • Brené’s books – highly recommend. Love her curiosity and intelligence.

      I have to admit my list of books to read is getting taller and taller. I have about 15 books out from the library at the moment. I have an addiction to books and I don’t care.

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